Tel. 030 6850351

via Europa 37, 25040 Monticelli Brusati (BS) Italy


  • Pre-assembled electrical wiring harnesses

    Pre-assembled electrical wiring harnesse

    We produce pre-assembled and pre-wired wiring harnesses for several sectors and countless applications, using different types of connectors, cables and cords according to customer requirements and specifications.

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  • Co-moulded Hot Melt wiring harnesses

    Co-moulded Hot Melt wiring harnesses

    We produce co-moulded Hot Melt wiring harnesses for various fields of application, with different types of cables and connectors for any customer needs, allowing a high level of IP protection.

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  • Power and signal cables

    Power and signal cables

    We produce pre-wired power and signal cables for the most common and widely-known brands, using different types of DESINA compliant cable and M23, M40 or M58 connectors, depending on the intended end use of the product.

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  • Electrical panels

    Electrical panels

    We produce individual electrical panels, in small or large series, following designs provided by the customer or according to their instructions, making sure to take care of every detail.

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  • On-board machine wiring harnesses

    On-board machine wiring harnesses

    We produce pre-assembled on-board machine wiring harnesses, or parts of them, with pre-wired connections ready for installation on different types of machines.

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  • Testing


    Inspections and checks are performed with advanced technology equipment, in order to carry out continuity, short circuit and insulation tests.

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